Artist, tech geek,
analyst, producer

Garrett Moeller

About Me
How it happened

It's an accumulation of interests and choices that bring each of us to the place we're at in life, the people we know, the lives we live.

In the morning, I would wake up to the sound of my father cranking his stereo, a collection of machines that took up the entire wall of our living room - floor to ceiling.  I lived in his stereo room at the time.  You could barely see the walls through the stacks of cds, lcds, and audio/visual equipment.  Audio/Visual equipment became second nature to me at an early age.

My dad was an A/V tech, tradeshow producer, camera operator, A1, V2 etc.  Total Audio Visual, Swank, VAE, Hughies, were just a few of the companies he worked for when he wasn't taking gigs with his own company.  Starting at the age of 14, I traveled with him to work these gigs, increasingly given more responsibility and eventually given crews to handle shows myself.  

When I left Orlando for Cleveland around 2001, my life started growing 2 dichotomies: The Artist life and the Tech life.  Having DJ'd a variety of electronic music since the age of 16, I paid my way through college by a heavy regimen of DJ gigs/Party promotions, the occasional A/V gig, and web design with flash animation (linear editing).  I have been especially adept to operating the camera, soundboard, projections, and intelligent lighting.  A prominent Cleveland concert club called "Peabodys" picked me up to do real-time visual effects behind the performers on stage; a technology that was very new and awe inspiring to patrons at the time.  My DJ years were accompanied by being a club promoter for several locations in Cleveland, booking and working alongside of acts such as Keoki, Dan the Automator, Chuck Love, Scott Henry, Paul Van Dyke, Danzel, and many others.  Parties I have personally thrown and paid for have hosted capacities of 100 to 1000 people; sizable for the humble Cleveland electronic scene, yet pales in comparison to events I spun at and regularly attended in DC and Orlando - success stories nonetheless.

I earned a master degree in GIS (geographic information systems), which landed big corporate gigs.  The height of that career found me with a Director's title and in charge of a national asset collection program for all of the NNSA's building assets, First Energy, and several universities.  I oversaw the planning and development of our company's server and database infrastructure so we met DOE security standards.  This effort secured us contracts in the 10's of millions.  After completing those arduous missions, I had enough of the corporate life and went out on my own to pursue business ideas that could no longer be ignored.

In the past 6 years, I owned and operated a bar, started a travel company in Portugal, wrote and produced an electronic album with a quality music video, sold countless commercial real estate properties, produced music for film, grew my medical supply company "DeliverMeHealth" to service clients around the world and the longest running eCommerce platform for McKesson, and have property managers running nearly 100 residential units.  After reaching all the heights of success in the corporate world, this second phase of life has been built to cherish time more than money.  My schedule is completely flexible, while the checks keep coming in. 

"If you're not enjoying how you're spending your time, then that is time wasted."

-Garrett Moeller

Current Status:

  • -Producer on the upcoming show "Spilled"
  • -Owner of a medical distribution specializing in PPE imports
  • -Commercial realtor and management of nearly 100 units
  • -Electronic music production of sound effects and songs
  • -Father of the coolest son, who is learning faster than I ever did
Garrett Moeller

Garrett Moeller

that keeps the project moving

Many of the hats I wear involve a level of leadership to help keep projects moving.  Startups and self-run businesses can be overwhelming once you are knee-deep in it.  That new-found freedom can be a real killer for those businesses that all transitioned from the corporate lifestyle.  I know this because I lived it myself.   

Over the years I have found that certain routines that can be effective to keep the team spirit moving ahead and to provide a space for accountability, without unnecessarily singling people out.  That approach is important to keep up group morale during difficult times and to let the creative juices flow unhindered.

Being an artist myself, I have the ability to identify and preempt trouble spots, which proves to be an invaluable group asset.  A team is only as good as each individual member, and it is with that conviction that I provide support and my time when needed.  I am a loyal person to a fault, because I believe that it takes that dedication and belief to reach true success.


Whether it is the literal sense of the word or the label of the role, I believe that my work embodies those 8 letters.

I create, recognize others' creations, and put out an unrelenting work ethic.
Producer has always been a word that I use to describe what I do.  To create something from nothing is a gift that we as humans are uniquely fortunate (or cursed) to possess. 

Studio & BTS



sound production
voice overs/ original content


staff management
quality control
social content